Adasina Social Capital

Adasina Social Capital is committed to making large-scale, systemic change through investments in public markets.

Adasina’s diverse team of people from non-traditional backgrounds works closely with the communities they intend to impact – aligning investors with social justice movements. Beyond creating their own investment criteria, Adasina mobilizes investors to drive long-term impact through industry campaigns and education.

How data is collected matters.

Adasina’s BRIDGE data hub is a free, one-stop platform that aggregates data on the racial, human rights, economic, and climate impacts of publicly traded companies. BRIDGE leverages data and metrics from leading social justice organizations, in order to empower communities that are often left out and most negatively impacted by financial decisions.
Individuals, investors, institutions, and financial professionals with social justice values use BRIDGE to see a complete and intersectional picture of whether and how their investments may contribute to harmful practices and systemic injustices.

Contributors to the BRIDGE hub:

Investigate is a project of the Economic Activism Program of the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC). Founded in 1917, AFSC is a Quaker organization that promotes lasting peace with justice, as a practical expression of faith in action. Drawing on continuing spiritual insights and working with people of many backgrounds, we nurture the seeds of change and respect for human life that transform social relations and systems.

AFSC has worked for decades in social movements against mass incarceration, the militarization of police and the border, for the rights of immigrants and formerly incarcerated people, for peace, and for the rights of people under a military occupation around the world. AFSC has a long history of supporting non-violent campaigns through research, training, and strategy consultation.


During the civil rights movement, AFSC provided logistical support to Martin Luther King and helped popularize his stance on nonviolence by publishing his “Letter from Birmingham Jail”. Later, AFSC worked closely with César Chávez, co-founder of the United Farm Workers, to organize farm workers and improve working conditions and wages. In 1969, a group of AFSC staff formed NARMIC: National Action/Research on the Military Industrial Complex, to research companies profiting from the Vietnam War and publish materials for the use of the anti-war movement.

Even before AFSC, Quakers were economic activism trailblazers, initiating the anti-slavery Free Produce Movement and instituting the first socially responsible investment screens by Friends Fiduciary Corporation in 1898. AFSC’s Economic Activism Program is located in the AFSC office in Oakland, CA. It promotes economic activism and corporate social responsibility through corporate research, strategic support, education and training, the sharing of skills, and the convening of stakeholders. It reaches out to responsible investors, community activists, and interfaith partners with information and tools to support the building of wide networks that can influence, limit, and monitor corporate power. In addition, the program engages with corporations, business stakeholders, shareholders, and investor networks on these issues, and supports shareholder activism and initiatives that promote standards and guidance for corporate behavior.

ETC Group is a small, international, research and action collective. We are committed to social and environmental justice, human rights, and the defense of the web of life. We are aligned with diverse popular and social movements and civil society organizations that share these values, particularly in the Global South.

Our staff is based in Argentina, Canada, India, Mexico, the Philippines, and the UK. Our Board is drawn from five continents. We have consultative status at the United Nations. ETC Group seeks to defend the integrity of the web of life and the diversity of livelihoods and communities that are the basis for just and ecological agri-food systems.

ETC Group monitors the impact of emerging technologies and corporate strategies on biodiversity, agriculture, and human rights.

Who Profits from the Occupation is an independent research center dedicated to exposing the commercial involvement of Israeli and international corporations in the ongoing Israeli occupation of Palestinian and Syrian lands.

Who Profits was founded in 2007 as a project of the Coalition of Women for Peace, and became an independent Research Center in 2013. Our work addresses the economy of the Israeli occupation through three areas of activity: we maintain an online database of complicit corporations; we operate a free online information center; and we publish regular reports and updates on the corporate aspect of the occupation.

Through these, we shed light on the role of the private sector in the Israeli settlement enterprise, in economic exploitation of Palestinian and Syrian land, labor and resources, and in the apparatus of control over the occupied population.

The verified and reliable information presented by Who Profits helps grassroots activists, civil society organizations and policymakers to stimulate a candid public conversation regarding the occupation economy and the global and local economic interests that play a critical role in sustaining Israeli control over occupied Palestinian and Syrian land.

Inclusive Development International supports marginalized communities to challenge development and market-driven human rights abuses by making critical information accessible, developing local advocacy skills and helping people claim their rights in centers of political and economic power.

We work to advance a more just and equitable global economy by strengthening the human rights accountability and regulation of corporate and financial actors.

First Peoples Worldwide is an Indigenous-led organization that translates on-the-ground impacts of investment affecting Indigenous Peoples to corporate decision makers through the intersection of business, law, and finance. Having started the flywheel of Indigenous-centered corporate engagement in the 1990s, First Peoples Worldwide is now a leader in deploying strategies to move the market towards respect for the rights of Indigenous Peoples.

By building the business case for Indigenous rights and wellbeing, First Peoples Worldwide increases corporate accountability, facilitates investor engagement aligned with Indigenous priorities, and supports Indigenous leadership to achieve self-determined economic goals.

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We offer deep data you can use to go into a greener future and make a lasting impact on our planet.